Available Hooks & Conditions

You can hook into one or more lifecycle moments by adding the @hook decorator to a model's method. The moment name is passed as the first positional argument, @hook(BEFORE_CREATE), and optional keyword arguments can be passed to set up conditions for when the method should fire.

Decorator Signature

        moment: str, 
        when: str = None, 
        when_any: List[str] = None, 
        has_changed: bool = None,
        is_now: Any = '*',
        is_not: Any = None,
        was: Any = '*', 
        was_not: Any = None,
        changes_to: Any = None,

Lifecycle Moments

Below is a full list of hooks, in the same order in which they will get called during the respective operations:

Hook constant Hook name When it fires
BEFORE_SAVE before_save Immediately before save is called
AFTER_SAVE after_save Immediately after save is called
BEFORE_CREATE before_create Immediately before save is called, if pk is None
AFTER_CREATE after_create Immediately after save is called, if pk was initially None
BEFORE_UPDATE before_update Immediately before save is called, if pk is NOT None
AFTER_UPDATE after_update Immediately after save is called, if pk was NOT None
BEFORE_DELETE before_delete Immediately before delete is called
AFTER_DELETE after_delete Immediately after delete is called

All of hook constants are strings containing the specific hook name, for example AFTER_UPDATE is string "after_update" - preferably way is to use hook constant.

Condition Keyword Arguments

If you do not use any conditional parameters, the hook will fire every time the lifecycle moment occurs. You can use the keyword arguments below to conditionally fire the method depending on the initial or current state of a model instance's fields.

Keyword arg Type Details
when str The name of the field that you want to check against; required for the conditions below to be checked. Use the name of a FK field to watch changes to the related model reference or use dot-notation to watch changes to the values of fields on related models, e.g. "organization.name". But please be aware of potential performance drawbacks.
when_any List[str] Similar to the when parameter, but takes a list of field names. The hooked method will fire if any of the corresponding fields meet the keyword conditions. Useful if you don't like stacking decorators.
has_changed bool Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field has changed since the model was initialized
is_now Any Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field is currently equal to this value; defaults to *.
is_not Any Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field is NOT equal to this value
was Any Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field was equal to this value when first initialized; defaults to *.
was_not Any Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field was NOT equal to this value when first initialized.
changes_to Any Only fire the hooked method if the value of the when field was NOT equal to this value when first initialized but is currently equal to this value.